Training Materials Provided by OSHA

The Occupation Health & Safety Administration provides a variety of publications, documents, and videos that are free to use for training and instructing employees.

The list of OSHA publications is long and detailed. To find what you are looking for use the search bar for quickest results.

The OSHA index has a list of common workplace dangers and hazards. Each business is unique in the way they conduct business so it is recommended to use materials that are appropriate and relevant to your workplace.

OSHA videos are a valuable resource for training and quick overviews of a lot of OSHA related questions. They cover a wide range of topics such as "How to File an OSHA Complaint" and "Ergonomic Programs that Work". Many videos are also available in Spanish.

We recommend taking advantage of OSHA many available free resources while instructing and training your employees. Many workplace accidents could be easily avoided with proper training.


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