Flood Preparedness

Floods are one of the most common workplace hazards in the United States. Floods are caused by a variety of situations such as rain, rising rivers, tidal surges, ice jams, broken pipes, and dam failures.

Because of the unpredictability of flooding the best way to quickly respond to a flood hazard is to be prepared. All employers should have an emergency action plan. Here are a few tips to prepare for flooding.

  • Have a chain of command that can organize a response team quickly
  • Assign emergency functions to employees so they know their roles
  • Have evacuation procedures put in place in case of hazards
  • Have procedures for accounting that all employees are safe
  • Have equipment ready and accessible
  • Train employees on your plan and make sure everyone understands their role
It is important to have an emergency supply kit in your workplace. You can find an emergency supply checklist provided by FEMA on their website.
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